Freitag, 28. August 2015

Running tasks in command background

When you're connected to a server via. ssh, you might have trouble running processes asynchronous. Following i wan't to show a few commands, which allow you to pause a process, move it to background, continue the process in back or foreground and let it even continue, when the shell closes.

All commands listed below:
  • jobs - shows all current processes.
  • bg %jobid - continue job in background.
  • fg %jobid - bring background process into foreground.
  • ctrl+z - in terminal shown as ^Z; pauses current process and moves it to background.
  • disown %jobid - removes the process from table of active processes. 
First of all i show you how to start a process in background. It runs until it needs input from command line. To do so, you might type cp extremelargefile ../ &.

[1]  + suspended (tty input)  cp extremelargefile ../ &.

When the process suspended and you wan't to continue it in foreground, on terminal, you might type fg %jobid. To figure out the jobid you might type jobs. All current gets listed then.

A process is running, e.g. cp. There might be a situation that you copy a large file and forgot to add & to the command. So you're running the process in foreground. To suspend the process and bring it to background you might press ctrl+z. When you wan't the process to ran further, type bg %jobid. As already told, you can bring this process back to the front by typing fg %jobid.

For example:
> cp extremelargefile ../
zsh: suspended  cp extermelargefile ../
> jobs
[1]  - suspended (tty output)  cp extremelargefile ../
> bg %1
[1]  - continued (tty output)  cp extremelargefile ../
> fg %1
[1]  + continued (tty output)  cp extremelargefile ../

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